Tag: corruption

Business, Industry, Military, Product Development, Technical

Small Business SBIR Advice

NSRDEC (AND OTHER GOVERNMENT) PROCUREMENT AND RESEARCHERS ARE TRAINED TO STEAL FROM YOU Hear a Natick army employee tell exactly how that happens: https://jgpis.org/podcast/let-their-own-words-condemn-them/ OR https://clyp.it/qku4bvyd Straight from the source.   Note: If it’s not dual use, then you’re screwed. ITAR/EAR is nothing to mess with. The military has an even betterRead More…

Business, Military

Back Stabbin’ Commies

The U.S. Department of Defense military industrial complex is an evil, communist regime. Yes, communist. No better than Soviet Russia. ITAR/EAR regulations discourage international trade Military controls prices of goods, delegates who gets to make the goods (procurement and government contracts) The masses are exploited – they take inventors ideasRead More…