Hear a Natick army employee tell exactly how that happens:
Straight from the source.
If it’s not dual use, then you’re screwed. ITAR/EAR is nothing to mess with.
The military has an even better procedure for taking this kind of tech: a secrecy order and putting you in prison if you tell anyone about it.If you invent a weapon or something not dual-use then keep it to yourself unless you just want to hand it over for free.
Hope you didn’t mortgage your house to pay for the R&D.
You’re not going to see a penny unless you fight for it…for a very long time. And, even then, they will pay you fractions of a penny in takings fee.Read Jon’s blog to see what fighting over ITAR/EAR tech is all about: http://canvs-v-usa.blogspot.com
In the end, his technology is on everything that the military sees out of. That’s billions of dollars of tech. He got $14 Million BEFORE tax. So the government paid him to make him go away. And only $14 Million, not the Billions they owe him.
You hardly win when up against a corrupt sovereign. So don’t even play.There are many inventors who have tech that the military either does not know about because the inventor hides it or that the govt/military cannot produce because it’s the inventor’s trade secret.
Join them.
Let me outline the process…Remember this is the way they’re trained thus far.
Step 0: You give them your technology. You show them something they need. A proposal. A patent. Anything.
Step 1: They reject your technology/grant/patent: “We have a better idea.” “It’ll never work.” “He/She has no experience or education in this and could never make a workable design.”
Though, sometimes they’ll accept your technology, award money to you, just to get a license to the technology. Then, they’ll wait you out and move forward. The logic is that if you’re asking for money then you need money. Well, duh. But, that makes you vulnerable which is why you’re asking for money from your competitors.
Step 2: A Requirements Document is made in the image of your proposal/technology/patent. This makes it appear, from within the government, that the concept originated from a military/government equipment user and not from you.
Step 3: They transfer the R&D in-house: either they simply make it from your proposal as they did to Wes or they ask you to give them samples as they did with me.
This Requirements Document generates R&D funding by which the military will do the research on your concept.
Step 4: They work on the R&D in-house and pass it along to one of their buddies/primes. If Natick is doing this then it’ll end up in the hands of Battelle. Especially if it’s related to chem/bio protection.
Step 5: They might want you to pay certain testing fees for certification.
Step 6: They sell it off to the lowest bidder of their buddies for the private sector and public sector.
Wes’ technology went to ILC Dover, Battelle, what is now Camelbak, etc.
I was contacted by IDEAL Fastener Corp. and YKK created an idea submission page.
How to Possibly Defeat this:
Step 1: Sure, submit your research to them. Just for kicks. Whatever. Tease them.
Just make sure you have patented the technology and everything that you will submit.
Step 2: If they ask for ANYTHING without paying you personally then…
They will undoubtedly stop talking to you after that. But, they’ll likely reject what you send.
Step 3: No, you will not have stopped them from taking your technology. That is why you must publish your technology online and archive it.
Tell your story. Talk publicly about your technology.
Let it be known that it originated with YOU.
Step 4: Somehow, someway you must finish the R&D. One of the biggest defenses the government uses is, “The technology in the proposal was unworkable.”
Make a prototype and publish some video demos of it working. FAST.
Step 5: Test it yourself.
Step 6: Sell it in the private sector. Make them ask you for it …or at least they’ll have to steal it out in the open now.
Step 7: Ok. This step is weird.
Tell the rest of the government. File a complaint with OIG, ombudsman, etc.
But, keep it short.
The purpose is to be able to say that you followed the proper procedures for reporting fraud, waste, abuse, and corruption when they ask you in court.
It won’t work; you won’t be helped.
OIG, ombudsman, etc. never help inventors. They all know what’s going on.
They send the information that you give them in your complaint about the corrupt organization to the corrupt organization’s legal counsel.
This government legal counsel uses what you sent in the complaint to build a defense against you should you sue the government.
So, again, keep it short but do file the complaint.
Tell the truth but don’t give them enough to build a great defense against…unless you’re going to publish that publicly.
Why does this happen?
The military researchers are your competitors in research. But, they have all the money.
Also, the revolving door.
As much as the government claims it likes competitive quotes, it doesn’t want true competition.
It wants competition from between the primes, ONLY the primes… and not some tiny startup.
Government researchers and officers are looking to retire and go to work at these prime contractor companies. And, they pay their own salaries ahead of time. They use their positions in the government to give money to their future employers.
Tit for tat.
Your technological innovation will disrupt their retirement from the military. If you create and produce a major innovation and they actually source it from you, then that’s less money to their Primes, their future employers.
But, even better, military researchers love spinoffs. Which is what Camelbak was since the hydration system didn’t have any real competitor in the market.
A spinoff allows them to control their own destiny…on your back.